Monday, June 30, 2014

Older Posts from Godadday QuickBlog moved to Blogger Page 2 of 5

Questions for every Political Candidate in America

By Charles Erwin
One of the most important questions before each election cycle is “What are the issues?” Mainstream Media and politicians will tell you the primary issues are Healthcare, Tax Cuts, Jobs, Economy, and Wars. These “legal” and moral issues are important, but they pale in comparison to the “lawful” issues of Freedom faced by Americans today.
If you follow American Freedom Books and the American Freedom Blog, you know there is a huge difference between what is “legal” and what is “lawful”. If you follow our International affiliate groups at United We Strike,International Community Radio NetworkTax Free 15 UKVote For It, and Wake News, you know the whole world is in trouble from the New World Order. Politicians around the world are betraying their constituents on a daily basis, but we’re going to limit our discussion to American politicians in this article.
We’re all familiar with the FICTITIOUS “legal” issues of each election, so let’s take a look at the REAL “lawful” issues requiring our immediate attention. The only way to tell treasonous “legal” politicians from politicians who perceive they are...
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American Freedom News (Global Non Compliance Strike)

Post contributed by Karen Tostado

"WE the PEOPLE" outnumber those few criminals in power who've stolen our governments, destroying our planet, while making us ill, and charging us for the priviledge of screwing us over. When enough of US understand this, when enough of US realize that our future and our children's future hang in the balance, and that war is a racket,
We can UNITE & STAND IN SOLIDARITY with each other, within our own countries, our own neighborhoods, and begin the job of cleaning up and rebuilding from the inside out.
Our friends at are planning a week long strike 9/12-9/19
They have our full support.
Or else we can continue to believe its not as bad as all that, and ignore this too.
Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!

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The Maui House

Post contributed by Hilton Miranda
When we bought our vacation home in Maui we were totally over the moon – now we had a reason to make multiple trips to Hawaii each year! We’d first been on our honeymoon years ago and I just adored it so when my husband got his raise I begged him to let us buy the place. It’s been great because we rent it out when we’re not using it and it’s almost always full since we sprung for all the upgrades. We got the granite countertops, the satellite system and even a car for the people who rent it to use so we keep getting really positive feedback when people stay and leave. I love having a reason to make the long flight to the islands and my kids absolutely adore having a place to take their friends in the summer when school gets out. It doesn’t hurt our “coolness” as parents to have a place in Hawaii to offer the parents of our kids’ friends as well! There are a lot of perks to this vacation home!
... << MORE >>

American Freedom News (UWS July Radio Marathon)

Power to the People through Peaceful Unity!
Karen and United We Strike Team. (first 2 chapters FREE) (Chat)


1pm E, 10 am P: “RunnyMede Radio”” with Judith Hitchin from the UK

7am E, 4am P: “Wake News Radio” in German with Detlev

8am E, 5am P: “Wake News Radio”, Detlev

9am E, 6am P: “Wake News Radio” English version with Detlev

10 am E, 7am P: “Sovereign Independent” with Neil Foster & Dave Derby Live
coverage of events featuring hard hitting
interviews with ... << MORE >>

Trading Independence for Hotdogs and Hamburgers

By Charles Erwin

The majority of Americans celebrating July 4th still believe they are free. We celebrate our independence from King George by cooking various meats on the George Foreman grill. Our governmental representatives and Mainstream Media bombard our senses with the spectacle of freedom we have in our great Democracy. In my opinion, based on evidence, selling independence to Americans who are no longer independent is a “legal” hoax. The great “legal” Democracy in which we live was initially a great “lawful” Republic, and independence from Great Britain has been taken away by treasonous Federal, State, and Local officials in government.
It seems unbelievable but we have traded independence and freedom for hotdogs and hamburgers. If you think you’re free in America today you better think again. Do you have a choice to wear seat belts or not to wear seat belts? Can CPS take away your child if you spank the child? Can the IRS take everything you own even if you don’t consider yourself a taxpayer? Can you lose your home for failure to pay property taxes? The Supreme Court of Indiana recently ruled their Citizens ...
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STRIKE in Solidarity with Greece!

By Karen Tostado of United We Strike

Why aren't "We the People" Striking and Boycotting with our Brother's &
Sister's in Greece?

While we sit and watch from the comfort of our homes, not only in Greece,
but all around us: America,  Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Iraq,
 Afghanistan, etc, etc, etc, "We the People" are being oppressed by the same
ruthless banking and  political agenda's, led by soul-less people who've been
bought off, seduced by power and lies, and taught to be traitors of entire

If its not government sanctioned wars, "accidental", or purposeful neglect of
nuclear reactors through"natural" or man-made earthquakes,
"mismanaged" flood preparations, (which just happen to be soros buying
opportunites), mortgage fraud, "ForeclosureGate", Free Trade Zones in
 exchange for American banking debt,planned food shortages ......



United States versus United States

By Charles Erwin

Most Americans don’t understand how the United States could be at odds with the United States as the title of this article suggests. If you are one of these “persons” or “individuals”, allow me to explain. One of the best kept secrets of the ages is the existence of two entities known as United States.
Are these two United States twins separated at birth? Heavens no! One of these guys is much older than the other. As a matter of fact, one United States is “Real” and the other is “Fictional”. How could one be “Real” and the other “Fictional”? You could ask certain treasonous agents in government for the answer, but I don’t think you’d get the truth. A better option is to continue reading and allow me to explain.
We know the “Real” United States was born from revolution with blood and sacrifice ...
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American Freedom News (UWS June Radio Marathon)

The fight for world freedom continues:


http://www. & http://www.


1pm E, 10 am P: “RunnyMede Radio”” with Judith Hitchin from the UK php/runnymede-messenger

2 pm E, 11 am P: “Bonnefire Coalition” with Bonne Hoag


3pm E, 12 pm P: “Skywatch News, Weather & Views” with Rosalind Peterson & http://www.


7am E, 4am P: “Wake News Radio” with Detlev in German for 2 hours

9am ... << MORE >>

My Wallet Loves New Green Technologies More Every Day!

Thanks for the post, Bernard Vasquez
The more I read about going green and how it can save money the more intrigued I became. How much can you really save by conserving energy usage? A ton! Just check out Is the cost of buying the pricier energy saving gadgets really worth it? I decided to start with the simple idea of changing my light bulbs. I did not change the amount of time they would be on, but I changed to the compact fluorescent ones that take forever to get bright enough to light a room!
The first thing I had to figure out was how many bulbs I needed. It turned out I would need twelve 60-watt bulbs and fourteen 40-watt bulbs. The next thing was to get them on sale (saving more money). I purchased five packages of six bulbs each for a measly twenty- five dollars. That is not bad unless you consider the fact that a four pack of regular light bulbs is under two dollars.
I made sure to change the bulbs right after the meter man read the meter so I would be sure of any changes in my billing for one entire month. ...
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Did Obama Kill Osama?

By Charles Erwin

It’s the latest news of the decade currently dominating Mainstream Media. According to President Obama, U. S. forces finally killed Osama Bin Laden during a firefight in Pakistan on May 1, 2011. There was jubilation in the streets surrounding the Whitehouse and throughout the United States when the news of Bin Laden’s demise was announced. The “Terrorist” Hobgoblin Osama had been killed by the latest in a long line of “Terrible” Democrat and Republican Presidents, Barack Obama.
According to The Hill, “The death of bin Laden marks the most significant event to date in our nation's efforts to defeat al Qaeda.” Defeating AL Qaeda and killing Terrorist Hobgoblins like Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are worthy goals, but only if the information coming from our government is true. Obama says he won’t release death pictures of Osama because they are too gruesome and the pictures could spur retaliation from the Terrorists. ...
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Information on this website does not constitute legal advice or practicing legal law without a license. American Freedom Books seeks the restoration of lawful law, "our" Republic, and freedom by exposing "their" legal law Democracy being used to enslave the American people.

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