Monday, June 30, 2014

Older Posts from Godadday QuickBlog moved to Blogger Page 5 of 5

Was Television’s “24” based on Reality?

By Charles Erwin

Agent Jack Bauer has left the airways. It’s been a thrilling eight-year adventure for “24” fans and it appears there will be a movie or two in the future. Until that time, Jack’s heroic efforts will be greatly missed. Certain elements of the hit television show were totally fictitious. For example, there is no such agency known as CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit). Nevertheless, it does appear CTU and all their surveillance technology is based on reality. According to the FBI website, in the year 2004 to the present, there has been a National Joint Terrorism Task Force (NTTF). Within the NTTF operation, there were 84 Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) at the disposal of the U. S. government in 2004. We can only assume the Department of Homeland Security, NSA, and CIA have similar tasks forces in place. That is a lot of special agents dedicated to finding Domestic Terrorist and Foreign Terrorist who might wish to harm the UNITED STATES. We can only hope these real-life agents in the NTTF and JTTF are as loyal to the United States of ...
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Police Brutality in the UNITED STATES

By Charles Erwin

Most of the time, the brave men and women on our police FORCES are there to protect and serve American Citizens, but for whatever reasons, police brutality is on the rise in the UNITED STATES. Take the Seattle police officer, Ian Walsh, for example. According to video on the Internet at, Officer Walsh was attempting to arrest a 19-year-old girl for jaywalking when her 17-year-old friend intervened. Officer Walsh then punched a 17-year-old girl in the face! Did the officer fear for his life, or was he upset the teenagers were not cowering to his authority? Officer Walsh is white (Caucasian), and the teenage girls are black (African American). In the past, race played a large part in police brutality incidents, but I’m not so sure the skin color of the American Citizens being brutalized matters anymore in the UNITED STATES. Did Officer Walsh adhere to the law, or did he violate the Civil Rights and Natural Rights of the 17-year-old girl he punched in the face?

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Does the Second Amendment apply to States and Cities?

By Charles Erwin

Following the Second Amendment rights win in the District of Columbia vs. Heller case, the Second Amendment is somehow still not safe in the United States. The landmark Supreme Court District of Columbia vs. Heller decision RULED that individuals in the District of Columbia have a right to bear arms, and now we are asking Supreme Court attorneys to interpret the meaning of the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights in our States and Cities…in the United States of America. The Mainstream Media tell us these Supreme Court attorneys have the legal right to give a “new” interpretation to the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights. The problem is the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights to the Constitution has had the same meanings and interpretations since being PROPERLY RATIFIEDDecember 15, 1791. So why would our governments at the Federal, State, and Local levels want to “change” the meaning and interpretation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution in 2010 after hundreds of years? The 300 MILLION dollar question 9 attorneys of the Supreme Court are ...
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The Second Amendment "Legal Trick"

By Charles Erwin

In the aftermath of the District of Columbia vs. Heller case, the Second Amendment is somehow still not safe in the United States. The Supreme Court held that individuals in the District of Columbia have a right to bear arms, but now we are asking the Supreme Court attorneys to decide whether the Second Amendment applies to the States and the Cities within the United States ...
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Why not be Sovereign?

Lawfully, the American people are Sovereign over our government employees. Let us get rid of the legal system in the United States and return the United States of America to the lawful system under the original Constitution respecting our Natural Rights. 


Learn the shocking truth explaining how multiple forms of laws are being used in America by representatives of the secret UNITED STATES government to economically enslave the American people …WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT.

You will discover: 
  • The unconstitutional methods being used to control the American people by secret forces within the UNITED STATES
  • That a legal “System” was created by representatives of the secret UNITED STATES to replace our original Constitution
  • The details behind the legal “System” where Contracts of Ownership and Title are being used by representatives of the secret UNITED STATES government to control the possessions of American Citizens…including OUR Children
  • The Income Tax is legal, but it only applies to certain “Individuals” and “Persons” in the secret UNITED STATES instead of every American Citizen as you were led to believe
  • How to determine unconstitutional from constitutional where laws are concerned without an attorney by using information, definition, and evidence to break down the laws which should and should not apply to an American Citizen
  • How to use the Supreme Laws of the Land in America to combat the legal “System” in the secret UNITED STATES
  • How to regain your Natural and Constitutional Rights as a Sovereign American Citizen when dealing with the secret UNITED STATES
  • How to live free from the control of the secret UNITED STATES as a Sovereign Citizen in America
  • How to destroy the secret UNITED STATES government and restore our American Freedom

For More information Contact:

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Information on this website does not constitute legal advice or practicing legal law without a license. American Freedom Books seeks the restoration of lawful law, "our" Republic, and freedom by exposing "their" legal law Democracy being used to enslave the American people.

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